3525 E 20th Ave
Spokane, Wa. 99223
509 768-8076
Time is appx 45 minutes to an hour Price $65.00

Dermaplaning for silky smooth skin.
Do you hate the fine peach fuzz hairs or dry dead surface skin cells that makes foundation look thick or worse furry?
Dermaplaning can smooth the skin and leave you with a smooth surface to apply make up. Clear of that annoying hair and leave you feeling confident and beautiful.
If you have a special occasion and want your make up to look flawless, get a dermaplaning done a few days before. Your skin will be baby soft smooth afterwards leaving a clean palate for make up application.
Be aware there is minor a risk of fine nicks on the skin. like fine cat scratches.
Skin is cleansed, a sterile 10blade is lightly run over the skin at a slight angle so as to avoid any nicks in the skin. Hair and dead skin are wiped away little by little until the skin is free of hair and skin debris. A mild cleanse is repeated,cold laser, then moisturizer and or sun screen applied.